Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog 8: Thematic Connections

Movies we have watched in class Gattaca and Minority Report , they both provide a insight to what reality is. How cruel and unfair it is. How it violates privacy and the way of living.
In class essays about both movies, research about the topic more in dept. Made us realize what the world can become.
Articles and Plays, for example Oedipus The King and Minority Report
Blog Entry’s about every topic we discussed

After watching the movie Gattaca I realized how society can be cruel and unfair. It provides me a sense of knowledge to the reality of what can really happen in our society. It shows how corrupt government is and how it can manipulate innocent people into believing an unethical reality. Doctors are trying to design perfect human beings in the movie Gattaca, which is rather similar to what doctors do today. We try to perfect the human being. We allow parents the option of keeping their un born child or perfecting it by taking medication and pills that allows the baby to grow healthy. This movie gives insight of the reality we live in. Throughout the semester we discussed many topics on how society is cruel and unfair. The movie Gattaca seemed to have the most influence on me because it shows how a perfect world could go corrupt and not even know it. In class we wrote a blog about the movie. This blog turned to become a essay. After writing the essay, much research had to be done. It made me realize that no matter what government and society develop it’s never going to be a fair and reliable. It’s always going to exclude a group of people. Writing about this movie and developing a essay, improved my thoughts on how to structure a essay and include valid information about it. Made me understand how to cite and include other sources into my essay. I enjoyed writing the essay because the movie was interesting and insightful. If you like the movie you are more likely to write a better essay since you are interested in that topic. Throughout the semester this movie seemed to be the most interesting to me, since I have already watched Minority Report  and had a discussion about this movie before I entered this class.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Blog 7: Reflection on blogging

The benefits of using a blogger is the available online access everyone has throughout the world to read and check up on your blog. Visitors who view your blog are allowed to share comments and interact with you through every blog you write. A blogger is very well organized. You don’t have to worry about having bad handwriting because you’re typing everything out. A blogger is very useful for someone who wants to share his thoughts to the world. You have the ability to private your blog from everyone and have an anonymous name. You can share your thoughts to the world without anyone ever knowing who you are.

The disadvantages of a blogger are online updates. Sometimes a site shuts down because of global web interruption. Another disadvantage of using a blogger is, if you have enable visitors to comment on your blogs, you must be prepared for any kind of comment. Some online visitors can be cruel and very judgmental. They might not share the same opinion as you. You must be prepared to handle peoples crucial comments or spams.

My personal opinion about the online blogger is; it’s very useful and fun. My experience using it in English Class has been very productive. I am able to work on my writing. My classmates are able to view my work and share opinions, even so criticize my work. They are allowed to leave notes and leave me advice for a future blog post. I like having a blog because I am able to customize it; I am allowed to change the font size and color. I could have a background with unicorns flying over rainbows. You can have a very creative blog or a very plain one. It’s your choice. Every week we are asked to write a blog, not only does this help me improve my writing but it allows me to share my thoughts of a movie we recently watched or write down information we’ve discussed in class for future essays.  In blogs we tend to blog about everything we learned in class, this makes my blog a good resource. I could always look back to my blog to find out information and use it for a homework assignment.  This blogger has been very useful and I’m very glad we are using it. I’m positive most of my classmates feel the same way as I do.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blog 6: Free will and determinism

In the movie “Minority Report” and the play “Oedipus the King, both experience issues of free will and determinism and how free will and determinism affects their everyday lifestyle. In the article “Free Will and Determinism in the world of Minority Report” explains the theory behind “free will” and how it’s unfair to send future criminals to jail.
In “Oedipus the King” Oedipus’s future was already foreseen since the day his mother gave him birth. His parents realized that they didn’t want Oedipus in there lives because he was to kill his father and marry his mother. They got rid of him. They had free will. They choose to get rid of Oedipus and not got against the prophecy. This incident is like the “Minority Repot” just because in the move “Minority Report” once an incident was foretold, the people choose to listen and believe it. In “Oedipus the King” once a prophet told you what he seen, people choose to believe him.
In the movie “Minority Report” people are arrested for pre-crime, for crimes they haven’t committed yet but are foretold to happen and occur. There’s absolutely no free will, people are taken in to jail for something they haven’t done. In the beginning of the movie, a husband was arrested for pre crime because it was foretold he would kill his wife’s lover. The police came into the house and arrested him. In the movie the statement that is trying to be argued by the state is “all who have been accused of crime would have committed crimes if not for the intervention of the police.” They honestly believe that if not for them this person who was accused of pre crime, would eventually commit the crime. What proof do we have of that though? This is similar to the play “Oedipus the King” because what proof do we have that Oedipus was truly going to kill his father and marry his mother. Another similarity is in both the movie and play people choose to believe what the person who foresees the future says. It is also seen that the person who’s future isn’t going to be good, choose to deny it and becomes ignorant to it. For example in the movie the husband gets arrested before he commits the crime. He doesn’t believe that he was really going to kill this man. In Oedipus the play, Oedipus can’t believe that the prophet told him he was going to kill his father and marry his mother.
In the article “Free Will and Determinism in the world of Minority Report” it is said “future criminals lack free will, and that it is unjust ice to punish them since they are not morally responsible for what they would have done.” I agree with this because why future criminals should be locked up, what proof we have that they will go forward with the crime. They might change their perspective. How do we know that their perspective of what they want to do won’t change? Is it a crime to have negative thoughts?