Monday, December 5, 2011

Blog 9: Analysis of your writing

As a writer my weaknesses in writing are grammar and punctuation. I have many good ideas but I don’t know how to structure good sentences with them. Throughout the semester I learned to develop grammar skills. I was able to organize good ideas into become great sentences. I do have a few strengths as a writer. I am able to procrastinate and focus on more  than just one idea. I am a creative writer; I always have good ideas to discuss in my papers. One weakness that I still have yet to improve on is developing my own argument in my paper. In my paper I focus more on explaining my sources instead of just using them as a brief idea.
At the beginning of the term I wasn’t able to write a 500 length word page paper. I felt like I was always running out of ideas, but now I feel like I am able to continue writing without hesitation. I am able to write without worrying I won’t have enough words in paper. These blogs have been a lot of help for my writing skills.  Every time I write a blog my writing improves. I am able to realize the grammar errors in my paragraph.
The assignments in class that helped me the most were writing blogs about the movie Minority Report  and the movie Gattaca. I was able to develop full structured paragraphs about these movies. I learned how to include them in my paper and how to use movie ideas in my paper. I was able to improve my paper by discussing it in class with my classmates. It was a huge help because I was able to get different perspectives on my paper. My classmates shared their ideas and thoughts about my paper. This gave me the motivation I needed to improve my paper.  Another assignment that helped me improve my writing was typing up our “In Class Essay”. I was able to review the errors in my essay and see how I could improve for the next essay. As I was typing out my essay I realized I had a lot of grammar errors that needed to be fixed. I liked this activity because it gave me a chance to see all the wrongs in my essay.
When I attend ENG 102 I know I have to work on developing good long structured papers. I have to improve my grammar skills and use bigger vocabulary words. I also need to focus more on what the topic of the paper is requiring me to do. I need to learn how to focus on my own argument in a paper and not constantly rely to sources outside my paper. I have to learn to accept the help of my peers, to get a better understanding on how I can improve my paper.  I feel like this semester in ENG 101 has helped me out a lot. My writing has defiantly improved since the first day I stepped into class. I know I have yet to improve my skills but I’ve defiantly become a better writer.