Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog 8: Thematic Connections

Movies we have watched in class Gattaca and Minority Report , they both provide a insight to what reality is. How cruel and unfair it is. How it violates privacy and the way of living.
In class essays about both movies, research about the topic more in dept. Made us realize what the world can become.
Articles and Plays, for example Oedipus The King and Minority Report
Blog Entry’s about every topic we discussed

After watching the movie Gattaca I realized how society can be cruel and unfair. It provides me a sense of knowledge to the reality of what can really happen in our society. It shows how corrupt government is and how it can manipulate innocent people into believing an unethical reality. Doctors are trying to design perfect human beings in the movie Gattaca, which is rather similar to what doctors do today. We try to perfect the human being. We allow parents the option of keeping their un born child or perfecting it by taking medication and pills that allows the baby to grow healthy. This movie gives insight of the reality we live in. Throughout the semester we discussed many topics on how society is cruel and unfair. The movie Gattaca seemed to have the most influence on me because it shows how a perfect world could go corrupt and not even know it. In class we wrote a blog about the movie. This blog turned to become a essay. After writing the essay, much research had to be done. It made me realize that no matter what government and society develop it’s never going to be a fair and reliable. It’s always going to exclude a group of people. Writing about this movie and developing a essay, improved my thoughts on how to structure a essay and include valid information about it. Made me understand how to cite and include other sources into my essay. I enjoyed writing the essay because the movie was interesting and insightful. If you like the movie you are more likely to write a better essay since you are interested in that topic. Throughout the semester this movie seemed to be the most interesting to me, since I have already watched Minority Report  and had a discussion about this movie before I entered this class.

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